Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Almost there...

So last night I'm about to fold clothes and i notice Sam is reaching for a toy and she got it, I thought did she just crawl, so i moved it again and this time I caught her yes she took 2 steps (or are they called crawls?) anyway I ran for the camera and put the toy a few feet away hoping to catch her but nope she got camera shy, but we are very close to getting there.

she is also doing this thing where she will get up on her toes and rotate her but the other direction so that she gets closer to the object even if it ends up behind her. She is one clever lady bug.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Go Sam Go!!!

...and she's off!!!
She might not be rolling nor crawling but she can run... She has figured out how to maneuver her walker rather well and last Friday she had a ball at the reception hall where the kids were practicing the waltz for a QuinceaƱera.

long locks gone...

So we gave her a hair cut about 2 weeks ago, she had some long hairs here and there and well we (I) decided to trim them, she actually behaved pretty well she was playing with her friend in the mirror the whole time and trying to get to the faucet.

and we can still do pig tails!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Lady Bugs!!!

Here is Sam in her lady bug dress looking for ladybugs,

She did not find any but the next day they found her.

When it was going across her cheek she kept turning her head towards it with her mouth open as if she was trying to eat it LOL...